Saturday, June 30, 2007

We just went on a walk into town via a shortcut through the villages…it was beautiful, and eye opening. I went with my roommate, Robert, who is from Kenya and actually lives in a village similar to the one we visited. It is great having him with me when I go into the villages not only to translate but to show me the proper way to interact with the culture. Robert is also a painter who sells his work to give to local orphanages and to support the local widows in his village. He has been such an inspiration to me on what it looks like to use what God has given you to bless others. The highlights from this past week would probably be Fred Rice from the Toronto Church talking about the renewal movement and the Father’s heart and Pastor Cheon from the Harvest Rock Church in LA talking about “The Call.” Both of these guys changed my thinking on two things I have been struggling with…the renewal movement and the prosperity doctrine. It seems like a small issue, but it has transformed my thinking on the kingdom of God. Besides that, we were blessed to have Heidi for a few sessions before she had to travel for the weekend. The night of the first night she was admitted to the hospital with severe dehydration from dysinteria (sp) conjunctivitis, and a fever and the next day she showed up to teach at 3…noone knows how she does it. It was really powerful and brought me, once again, to the dirt asking God to help me surrender my will for his. Thanks you all for writing has been really encouraging...also making me miss you all...Blessings!


Terri said...

Hi Steve,

wow. I am so blessed whenever I read your postings!! I'm excited, God is so wonderful. Can you post a picture of Robert's art? I don't know what to tell you about WC except that God is moving, yay! The youth group just got back from Ecuador yesterday and they had an amazing trip. Just yesterday the sermon was Bob sharing the BHAG with everybody (the Big Hairy Audacious Goal!) Plans are stepping up for VBS which is in less than a month. ITM is truckin' along through the summer, through we definitely miss your presence. We painted our living room and dining room (not that you needed to know that, but I'm sitting in my newly-goldenrod-colored living room and I like it so I thought I'd mention it).

Can we have a big ol' prayer meeting when you return so we can all get in on all of the wonderful God things you're seeing over there? Let's take over West Chester...hey, why stop there - let's go for Coatesville and Downingtown and Philly and...well the whole world, huh?? It's the Kingdom, it's totally upsidedown and backward and one glimpse of it takes our breath away.

Jesus bless you, brother. May you lean into him today as you experience his heart.

Terri said...

PS - Theresa is code for Terri Moss. thought you might need to know that. :-)

Deborah said...

Brother... may God continue to break your heart and bring you to surrender before Him. I'm curious to know how, exactly, those speakers impacted you. What did they teach? How is God changing you? I hope when you come back there will be time to talk and yeah, as Terri said, have a big 'ol prayer meeting and explore what God is doing - there and here - together.
Love and blessings!

Kim said...

Hey Steve,
How are you? Sounds like you're great! You look terrific with a bunch of orphans hanging on you. Keep praying those dangerous prayers- it may be painful, but He will answer them because He loves you and considers you His child. I can't wait to hear more details about what you're learning and seeing. The youth are back from Ecuador and you would not believe the light in their faces! We're renovating your room to have a dirt floor so you'll feel comfortable when you get back! Praying for more of His presence in you. Love and blessings, Kim